It has been two decades since the terrorist attacks on 9/11, but, for many Americans, the effects of that tragedy can still be felt to this day. As a nation, we watched the tower of smoke as it trailed from the walls of the Pentagon, imagined ourselves among the brave passengers of United Flight 93 during their last moments, and stood by, powerless, as the Twin Towers were knocked to the ground.
We have known fear and confusion, anger and grief, but there is more to our story than that. In the weeks, months, and years since nearly 3,000 lives came to a sudden and tragic end, we have shown that we can come together in unprecedented ways – sharing our hope, our kindness, and our dedication to make a difference.
As Global Game Changers, we share in this dream of a world changed for the better, where the stories of the brave can be shared with a new generation of superheroes; children who, despite being born in a post 9/11 era, can learn a lesson from this dark piece of American history, and use it to promote selflessness and understanding in their own communities.
That is why, as another 9/11 anniversary approaches, we at GGC have decided to not only look inward for understanding and reflection, but to reach out to the youth of America and, with our resources and experience in social-emotional learning, give them the knowledge and the tools they need to turn the events of 9/11 into a calling to Ignite Good!.
At 911lesson.org, elementary school students from around the world will have access to (socially distant) 9/11 lessons for educators and parents, virtual service projects, interactive first responder learning experiences, extensive artifact galleries, interviews with real life 9/11 superheroes, and even an animated video about 9/11 featuring our very own Global Game Changers. All of this and much more will be at their disposal, creating a foundation for healing, learning, and action!
Join us over the next few weeks as this new platform takes shape, and more lessons and activities are added. Together, we can keep the hope of a better future alive for the next generation of real-life superheroes.
Click to register and access our complete, FREE online curriculum.
Please email questions or requests to: info@globalgamechangers.org
Article link: https://mailchi.mp/e16f2427eb3d/ymca-human-rights-badge-week-4576502?e=e382515c91