About the Program

The Global Game Changers curriculum is a full-year program with differentiated lessons by grade level. There are 18 units with 6 lessons apiece focused on the following topics: Introduction, Leadership, Language Arts, Service, Emotion Management, and Reflection. Through the curriculum, students learn about 12 different Heart causes, discover their talents, create their Superpower Equations, and put their Equations into action through service. Lessons are designed to be implemented in 30-45 minute blocks.

The curriculum is flexible in implementation; however the strongest data comes with daily use in the classroom.

Program Data

Full-school in-class implementation of the Global Game Changers curriculum has resulted in major changes for intervention schools, with impacts multiplying over multiple years engaged in the program.

Expresses Emotional Knowledge
Growth 87%
Behaviorally Manages Emotions
Growth 24%
Social Role Mastery
Growth 42%
Goal-Striving Mastery
Growth 42%

Evaluation Tools

Global Game Changers has evaluation tools on our Educator Portal to help you ensure that your implementation is successful. We know that consistent and measured evaluation is critical to a successful learning endeavor and our data supports the positive outcomes and impact on all of our core competencies.

Custom Protocol

Through the use of our evidence based, third-party, and custom developed protocol, we are committed to intentional measurement of our program to track impact, improve quality and enhance student outcomes.

Analysis Support

Global Game Changers can support your classroom's, school's, or district's analysis of the data you collect.