Julia DeSerio, Music Coordinator and Former Teacher, Appointed GGC’s National Ambassador for Georgia

Global Game Changers Adds a 4th State to its Growing Program

Atlanta, GA (May 13, 2024) – Julia DeSerio, Music Coordinator at Atlanta’s Salvation Army Kroc Center, has been named a National Ambassador for the Global Game Changers Student Empowerment Program. This education program, which currently reaches 250,000 students in all 50 states and 13 countries, is a project-based program that provides teacher-tested, evidence-based, FREE Pre-K – 5th grade curriculum and resources that use service learning and talent development as tools to nurture children’s social, emotional, leadership, and academic growth. With a motto to IGNITE GOOD!®, the lessons use a simple equation: MY TALENT + MY HEART = MY SUPERPOWER!® to lay the foundation for nurturing engaged and successful citizens and leaders. Students explore their hearts, uncover their true talents, and develop the self-confidence they need to succeed.

“The more I learned about the Global Game Changers program, the more I wanted myself and our kids at the Kroc Center to be a part of it,” says Ms. DeSerio. “Its focus on empowering students to make a difference, all while teaching them essential social, emotional, and leadership skills can really set them on a pathway for success.”

Used in classrooms, afterschool and summer programs, and home schools across the country, the Global Game Changers program has proven effectiveness at reducing behavior problems while improving student motivation and classroom climate. According to one study, the program contributed to a 62% increase in motivation to learn and attentiveness in class and 90% of parents reported an improvement in behavior after their students took part in Global Game Changers curriculum.

Ms. DeSerio worked as a public school teacher for four years in North Carolina before making the move to Georgia and joining Atlanta’s Salvation Army Kroc Center as Music Coordinator. Her unique experience in both the traditional classroom and in an out-of-school-time program gives her insight into two of GGC’s key audiences. And her work with the Kroc Center, one of many across the country, means that she has a nationwide perspective as well.

“We were thrilled to have Julia join our growing team of National Ambassadors,” says co-founder and Board Chair Jan Helson. “Her commitment to helping students build pathways to success through music directly aligns with our Superpower Equation, and her ability to speak to teachers and non-traditional educators means she can be a great advocate for Global Game Changers users across Georgia.”

Ms. DeSerio will fulfill her duties as National Ambassador not only in her own program, but also with local officials interested in sharing the program and through ongoing engagement with other schools and education-focused organizations in the state. She will also share Global Game Changers as a titleholder and competitor in the Miss Georgia pageant program, as she works to advance in the competition and hopes to compete for the Miss America title.