I’m sure many of you are counting the days until the end of school and the summer. The end of school comes with a lot of excitement, but it can also come with some end-of-the-year tests and testing nerves. If that’s the case, look no further than GGC’s tips for some peace of mind to share with your student.
OR read on below…
1. Rest Up.
Get 9-11 hours of sleep every night, especially the night before a test. (Sleep improves your ability to focus and learn.)
2. Talk Positive.
Give yourself a pep talk. Wake up and tell yourself “I CAN do this,” because YOU can!
3. Eat Healthy.
Feed your brain with a healthy breakfast and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. (No sugar!)
4. Be on time.
Arrive at school on time. (And be prepared.)
5. Calm down.
Before taking your test, sit up straight and take 3 deep breaks with your eyes closed.
6. Have a positive attitude!
Studies show that people who believe in themselves are more likely to succeed.
7. Follow directions.
Listen, read carefully, and follow all directions. It can make the difference between the right answer and the wrong one!
8. Take your time.
Don’t get nervous. Don’t rush. You do not need to be the first one finished.
9. Start easy.
Answer the easy questions first and then return to the more difficult ones.
10. Find focus.
If you start to lose your focus, take a quick brain break. (Rub your temples, stretch your fingers, or take a few deep breaths.)
11. Cross-check your work.
Review and check your answers after all questions have been completed. (Don’t leave any question blank – your guess might be right!)
12. Remember: you are more than the test.
Don’t forget: This test does not measure your Talent, your Heart, or your unique Superpower to Ignite Good!®