2nd Annual Discover Your Superpower Event at the Muhammad Ali Center Wildly Successful!

2nd Annual Discover Your Superpower Event at the Muhammad Ali Center Wildly Successful!Screen Shot 2015-09-03 at 10.44.55 AMOn Sunday, August 30th, Global Game Changers Children’s Education Initiative, Inc had their second Discover Your Superpower event at the Muhammad Ali Center. The event brought together nonprofit partners from around the community to share the amazing work they do through hands-on activities for kids. The event was totally free for all participants. People were so excited that they began arriving even before the event started at 1:00 and kept arriving until 4:30!

Children first watched a movie about The Global Game Changers message and goals starring the main characters of the book, Global Girl, Little Big Heart and their trusty sidekick, Pixel on the 2nd floor.There was a facepainting station manned by TheraPLACE Learning Center for kids while they waited for their turn to watch the movie.

A book reading by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis's Econ Lowdown.
A book reading by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’s Econ Lowdown.

Afterwards, they proceeded to the 6th floor where all the community partners were ready and waiting to educate them about what is going on in their community and how they can help. There, we had over a dozen nonprofits representing our 12 heart badges, all with fun activities! There were book readings, animal quizzes, giveaways, active play with stilts and giant boxing gloves, seed planting, and more!

  1. Animals: Critter Crusade
  2. Arts: Stage One Family Theater
  3. Bullying: Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network (KY-SPIN)
  4. Education Badge: The Louisville Free Public Library and Econ Lowdown from the Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis
  5. Elderly Badge: SeniorCare Experts
  6. Environment: Louisville Grows
  7. Health: Elevate Recreation
  8. Hunger: Blessings in a Backpack
  9. Poverty: WaterStep
  10. Mayor Fischer with some small superheroes.
    Mayor Fischer with some small superheroes.

    Rescue: The Louisville Division of the FBI, the Middletown Fire Department and New York Life’s Child I.D.

  11. Veterans: Operation Homefront
  12. General: XOXO: An Exhibit on Love and Forgiveness Exhibit at the Muhammad Ali Center and Compassionate Louisville.

At their last stop, children could make superhero capes, get a balloon animal from Balloons by Bonkers, and do our Superpower Equation to discover how they can combine their talents with a cause that they care about to make a difference. We were honored by a visit from Mayor Greg Fischer, who stopped to take a “selfie” with one of our excited VISTAs.

Iraqi volunteers visiting through World Affairs Council.
Iraqi volunteers visiting through World Affairs Council.

We would like to say a huge “thank you” to Outfront Media for our great billboards; to Publisher’s Printing for our flyers, posters and passports; to WHAS 11 for the Public Service Announcement; to Adhawks Advertising for our advertising; Signarama Downtown for our pull-ups and table cloth; to World Affairs Kentucky for the wonderful Iraqi Leader volunteers; to Minuteman Press Dupont for advertising posters; to Louisville Water Company for the Pure Tap coolers and cups; and to AmeriCorps VISTA for our 3 hardworking VISTAs; our chairman, Jan Helson and then last, but not least, to everyone who attended our event and made it so successful! Look for pictures on our Twitter (@globalgamechgrs), our Facebook ( The Global Game Changers) and our Instagram (@globalgamechangers) of the event, our partners and our participants!


Heart Badge Partners

Stay tuned as we announce our special partners hosting stations for each one of Global Game Changers’ 12 Heart Badges.



 Animals Badge represented by Critter CrusadeCritter Crusade Dog Hi-Rez Jpeg for Print


Arts Badge represented by Stage One Family Theatre

Logo StageOne


 Bullying Badge represented by KY-SPINKY SPIN


 Education Badge represented by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis & Louisville Free Public Library



Elderly Badge represented by Senior Care ExpertsSeniorCare Experts logo


 Environment Badge represented by Louisville Grows

Louisville Grows


 General Badge represented by the Ali Center’s XOXO: An Exhibit About Love & Forgiveness and Compassionate Louisville.

Compassionate Louisville Logo SquareXOXO Exhibit


 The Health Badge represented by Elevate.elevate-logo


 The Hunger Badge represented by Blessings in a Backpack.


 The Poverty Badge represented by WaterStep.WaterStep:New-logo-with-new-tag-May142014


 The Rescue Badge represented by Middletown Fire Department and the FBI.Shannon:logo2Middletown Fire


The Veterans Badge represented Operation Homefront.

Operation Homefront

Additional Partners:

Theraplace-logo-finalBalloons by Bonkers