Superhero Spotlight: Jessica Sears

Superhero Spotlight

So many diligent and hardworking AmeriCorps Members have passed through our doors and made a lasting impact on Global Game Changers. As much as we would love to keep these phenomenal team members for the long haul, their service term is unfortunately limited. To commemorate these Superhero workers, we plan to spotlight each of them as they depart from Global Game Changers.


Here’s to honoring a year filled with many corny jokes, caffeine-filled days, and consuming a copious amount of ice cream (thanks to Ehrler’s for being generous supporters and right next door!).


Jessica Sears:

Hometown: New Albany, IN

Role at GGC: Responsible for the bulk of the content writing at GGC, co-managed all social media platforms, and assisted with grant writing

End of Service: February 18th

Next Adventure: Taking on a new role as Executive Administrative Assistant at the Louisville Book Festival

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Brownie Batter


As Development VISTA, Jessica’s role evolved drastically during her time at GGC. She began by assisting with grant-writing, but her job quickly shifted to include all of GGC’s written material. Throughout her time at GGC, she also managed to become one of Ehrler’s top customers. They, and Global Game Changers, will miss her dedication.


Q: What is your Superpower Equation? Has it changed since the beginning of your service?

A: Writing + Mental Health= Writing a book or short story to raise awareness around the importance of mental health. My equation has definitely changed because I can never remember what the last equation I created was. It also changes depending on my mood.


Q: Who inspires you to serve?

A: My family has always shown me the difference that even just one person can make. I’m also motivated to serve because I want to make our community and society better for future generations. Everyone deserves the same opportunities for success.


Q: What was your best memory from Global Game Changers?

A: I honestly just loved the daily banter at the office. Everyone I worked with was so supportive and I always just had fun hearing all of the funny things my colleagues would say. Sometimes I felt like I was in a workplace comedy show.


Q: Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?

A: Emma Stone or Emma Watson. Essentially any actress named Emma.


Q: What would you most like to be remembered for in life?

A: Even if I fail at everything I do, I hope that I’m remembered for being a genuine person who people always felt like they could be themselves around.


Q: If you had to watch two movies on repeat for 24 hours, what would they be?

A: (500) Days of Summer & The Princess Bride


Q: If GGC were a person, how would you describe its personality?

A: Empowering, chaotic, fun, passionate, and driven